– Green Real Estate Agents Help “Power” Veterans through Solar in Habitat for Humanity Homes –
SAN DIEGO (June 23, 2015) Willis Allen Real Estate, San Diego’s premier real estate firm, is partnering with GRID Alternatives San Diego to launch “Operation: Solar for San Diego Troops” in order to transition veterans to clean and renewable energy. Willis Allen Real Estate will donate time and monetary resources to help GRID Alternatives provide energy cost-savings and a source of clean local energy to local veterans’ homes, and hands-on experience for veteran volunteers. Four of the projects will be in partnership with the veterans’ program of Habitat for Humanity.
It will be all hands on deck, as local veterans and the homeowners themselves pull together to install solar power empowering them with a sense of pride of living sustainably for themselves and the environment. The four-month long project kicks off Thursday, July 9 and will provide solar panels for up to 10 veteran homes. A finale event will be held in conjunction with the Veteran’s Day holiday.
“We at Willis Allen feel very fortunate to be helping GRID Alternatives with Operation: Solar for San Diego Troops and are passionate about this project. As a veteran myself, I’m honored to be a part of something that gives back to those who’ve served,” said Andy Nelson, CEO and president of Willis Allen. “We’ve just designated 30 agents as green and this is our way of walking the walk, not just talking the talk. We’re committed to making our community more environmentally-friendly and look forward to maintaining a relationship with GRID Alternatives for future builds.”
The economic issues faced by veterans are more significant than the general population. The large grant from Willis Allen Real Estate, as well as fundraising and volunteer efforts from Willis Allen Real Estate agents, GRID Alternative’s ? “Operation: Solar for San Diego Troops” aims to reduce the cost of housing through solar power. This offers an economic benefit to our local veterans, and will help lead San Diego toward a brighter environmental future through solar energy.
“Aside from the obvious money and climate benefits we’ll receive, the outcome our veterans will receive is truly immeasurable,” said Tom McSorley, regional development officer at GRID Alternatives San Diego. “Willis Allen is helping us provide these men and women that have served our country the ability to have a sense of pride in their homes and give them the opportunity to help make San Diego a greener place by taking part in the actual installation of the solar panels on their homes. It’s really our way‹and our time‹to serve those who served us.”
To learn more about GRID Alternatives San Diego or to get involved in Operation: Solar for San Diego Troops, please visit www.gridalternatives.org/sandiego. For more information on Willis Allen’s company, culture or services, please visit www.willisallen.com.