S.E.M.A. Saga at the Rock: Blistering True Story Offers Life Lessons & Solutions to Young Black Men, Who Risk Becoming an “Endangered Species”

Masterfully crafted from the life and experiences of Ray Moore, ‘S.E.M.A. Saga at the Rock: St. Emma Military Academy’ takes readers deep into the tumultuous and turbulent 1960s, a time when millions of young black men had to make a bold decision between embarking on a life of crime or becoming an upstanding member of society. This issue has once again become a modern-day epidemic and, with his vast experience as a mentor and community leader, Moore invites young black men to step into his world and emerge steeped in inspiration.

Adelphi, Maryland – There’s no way to sugarcoat it; millions of young African American men have once again become lost to society through no fault of their own. Embroiled in crime, mistreated by the police and wrongly feared by their communities, many of these youngsters are pleading for the nation to not only understand them, but give them the chance they deserve.

It’s a societal plague that also ran rampant in the 1960s. In his searing new novel, Ray Moore bravely tells a tale of one young black teenager who has a life-changing choice to make between gangs and innocence. While it may have been set fifty years ago, Moore’s story is more pertinent to today than any other point in history – because it’s his story.

‘S.E.M.A. Saga at the Rock: St. Emma Military Academy’ is brimming with life lessons and also offering an abundance of solutions to correct the unfairness millions of young black men are forced to endure.


A Must Read for Every Inner City Teenager. . . The decade is the 60’s, a turbulent time in America, during the height of the civil rights movement, and still there are choices for a young black teenager to make about either joining a gang or taking the right path to a productive manhood.

“This book should be firmly placed into the hands of every inner-city teenager,” explains Moore, a retired educator who remains passionate about giving every young person a chance at life. “The story is interwoven with many life lessons that still stand true, even though the story they come from took place half a century ago.”

Continuing, “I am very public about my opinion that black males under the age of twenty-five are becoming something of an endangered species; misunderstood, feared and being slaughtered at the hands of our law enforcement agencies due to a subliminal perception neither group is consciously aware of. This story will help young men tap into that inner-narrative and learn how they can emerge victorious against the odds. But I’d also advise young people and adults, of any background, to pick up their copy. There’s nobody who won’t learn a thing or two about society, as this is as raw as it gets.”

With the volume’s demand expected to increase, interested readers are urged to purchase without delay.

‘S.E.M.A. Saga at the Rock: St. Emma Military Academy’, from Outskirts Press, is available now: http://amzn.to/1OgjglJ.

About the Author:

Ray Moore a concerned mentor who has worked as a former school teacher, employee of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and of the D.C. Dept. of Parks and Recreation.

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