San Francisco Bay Area, California, January 28 & 29, 2015 — This conference brings together Thought Leaders in the Renewable Energy Finance, International Solar Development, Commercial Solar Finance & Renewable Investments to San Francisco. We gather like minded Solar Developers and Financiers to create partnerships in creating Large Scale Solar Projects.
We show how Finance and Tax Incentives benefits the Real Estate Industry and Companies looking to Invest and Profit in the New Solar and Renewable Energy Market.
- Cross-funding Opportunities and Cross-investment Strategies between Real Estate and Renewable Energy
- International Renewable Energy Project Finance
- Geographic Solar Investment Opportunities for PPAs
- Creating & Growing Renewable Energy Equity based Funds for Large Scale RE Projects
- Tax Incentives and Financing Opportunities in the US
- Blending ROI with Solar + Energy Efficiency to Commercial Real Estate Properties
This is not your standard renewable energy conference. This is an opportunity to meet and chat directly with family offices, investors, energy investors, heads of crowdfunding, real estate investors, solar developers, and solar entrepreneurs. This conference brings together the new breed of energy investors, development partners, real estate and institutional investors under one platform.