Zero: 2016 aims to end veteran and chronic homelessness in 71 US communities
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation today announced a commitment of USD 250,000 to the Zero: 2016 initiative, a national campaign to end veteran and chronic homelessness over the next two years in 71 US communities, representing 30 different states and the District of Columbia, run by Community Solutions.
In 2014, 49,933 former military individuals were homeless on a given night, according to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. In addition, 1.4 million other veterans are currently considered at risk of homelessness due to poverty, lack of support networks, and dismal living conditions in overcrowded or substandard housing, according to The National Coalition of Homeless Veterans.
Through Zero: 2016, Community Solutions will work with communities to meet the federal goal set by President Barack Obama to end veteran homelessness by December 2015. In addition, Zero: 2016 communities will work to end chronic homelessness by December 2016. With guidance from the Community Solutions staff, community leaders will design and implement Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement Systems that will ensure communities can more quickly, effectively and efficiently house their homeless populations.
“In partnership with Zero: 2016 and the hard working individuals at Community Solutions, we are aiming to eliminate chronic and veteran homelessness across the US in the next two years to meet the goal set by President Obama,” said Jacques Brand, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Bank North America. “Providing vital quality of life support to the men and women of the US armed forces is a priority for us as our veterans continue to face unique challenges when transitioning to life after service.”
Deutsche Bank is one of the founding members of Veterans on Wall Street (VOWS), an initiative dedicated to honoring former military personnel and employees currently in the National Guard and Reserve by facilitating career and business opportunities in the financial services industry. The Bank also led the development of the Jacksonville Military Veterans Coalition, which provides job opportunities for military veterans and educates employers on the value of veterans, and hosted a career fair for veterans earlier this year in the New England region.
To learn more about Zero: 2016, please visit:
To learn more about VOWS, please visit: