Conserving the Environment, One Volunteer at a Time

Environmentally-aware volunteers are contributing to crucial conservation efforts and initiatives across the world through Projects Abroad

Volunteers on the Shark Conservation project in Fiji collect data on sharks and other marine wildlife on a dive

NEW YORK – August 6, 2014 – As the global community grows more aware of the need to actively conserve endangered wildlife and plant species, international volunteer organization Projects Abroad is playing an important role in contributing to the preservation of the earth. With ten Conservation & Environment projects on four continents, Projects Abroad is making great strides in conservation work and promoting environmental awareness in communities around the world, with the help of dedicated volunteers.

Since 2001, Projects Abroad has been working to protect the Amazon Rainforest by running the Taricaya Ecological Reserve in Peru. The animal rescue shelter at the reserve recently celebrated six years of valuable work with the birth of a howler money and the release of a rescued anteater into the reserve. The rescue center at Taricaya is leading the way in animal rescue in the Amazon and has been officially appointed the first Animal Release Center in this part of South America. Over 40 different species in all have already been released back into their natural habitats, including a jaguar, a puma, and two tapirs!

In Costa Rica, Projects Abroad is collaborating with three schools near Barra Honda National Park to work toward the Ecological Blue Flag award, a prize awarded by the Costa Rican government to schools that demonstrate environmental awareness and teach sustainable development. Projects Abroad volunteers assist with education, training, and the building of ecological strategies that will aid the social development of these three communities in an innovative and sustainable way. For the next year, volunteers will be working on bio-gardens, recycling separation centers, recycling containers, and a butterfly/hummingbird garden for each school, plus educational resources to run environmental awareness projects.

Projects Abroad’s pioneering Shark Conservation project in Fiji, has welcomed over two-hundred volunteers since starting in January earlier this year. The program focuses on scientific shark research, mangrove reforestation, recycling, and shark education initiatives. Last month, volunteers giving an educational talk at a multi-cultural school had the privilege to be joined by Ian Campbell, the Program Manager for the World Wildlife Foundation’s Global Shark Program. Campbell described the day as “inspiring” and also said that the project is “possibly the most important shark project in the world.”

With their passion and dedication, Projects Abroad’s team of staff, scientists, and volunteers have raised awareness about sharks and developed educational workshops to truly inspire everyone who takes part. “After a while you become more and more educated about the reality of these supposedly notorious predators, and realize that they are in fact not to be feared by us, but to be respected and protected,” explained Conservation volunteer, Ellen Mackenzie.

For more information about Conservation & Environment projects, please visit

About Projects Abroad

Projects Abroad was founded in 1992 by Dr. Peter Slowe, a geography professor, as a program for students to travel and work while on break from full-time study. The program had its genesis in post-USSR Romania, where students were given the chance to teach conversational English. After a few years just sending volunteers to Eastern Europe for teaching, the company expanded to sending volunteers of all ages around the world on a wide range of projects.

Projects Abroad is a global leader in short-term international volunteer programs with projects in 29 countries and recruitment offices in the UK, Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Holland, Hong Kong, Norway, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden and the United States.

For details on volunteering abroad, visit Projects Abroad’s web site at

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