Charlotte, USA, August 21, 2015: TDC, also known as The Drunken Chemist, is an LLC based in Charlotte, NC, that makes handmade, high quality soaps and bath products. TDC has been committed from day one to sourcing sustainable, simple, healthy ingredients. Not only are these handmade products free of toxins and pore clogging chemicals, but the essential oils and natural butters used can actually help calm irritation, balance mood and keep the skin’s natural barriers intact.
In holistic philosophy, they always look to see what has worked in other cultures and times, and in using minimal ingredients that you can actually pronounce, TDC has created products that are chock full of time tested remedies. They are giving the power back to the consumer to take control of their wellness in an easy, enjoyable way.
When TDC began their business in 2011, the two partners, Karen Belciglio and Lisa Collier, created a lean business model which based its growth on sales and receivables and did not require outside business loans or debt to grow.
From the beginning, TDC has focused on their role as a responsible, global partner. Proceeds from their ‘Cavalry Clean’ soap are donated to the Wounded Warrior Project. They donate Sei, their non-allergic and non-scented soap, to groups supplying chemotherapy patients. They also donate many baskets to local raffles and craft shows that raise funds for community projects.
Recently, they joined with PATHFINDER, a new social enterprise that has set out to prove what we believe to be true around the world: each of us has the power to bring about positive, impactful change, and together, our potential is limitless.
Their primary goal in partnering with PATHFINDER is to facilitate a situation which provides women in impoverished areas an opportunity to work. They will create a quality product which, in turn, affords them self-sufficiency. With this goal comes many challenges. The access to clean water and workspace, a feasible and flexible business model, and a supportive infrastructure will be critical to this project.
On the new partnership and next steps Karen Belciglio of TDC said, “We are currently in the process of examining and strategizing ways to overcome these challenges. We feel we offer the expertise, passion, and dedication this project requires, and we are honored that PATHFINDER felt the same”.