Nonprofits and Foundations Stand United in Opposition to the Tax Bill

Press Release – (WASHINGTON, December 15, 2017) — Independent Sector, the National Council of Nonprofits, and the Council on Foundations, collectively representing tens of thousands of charitable and philanthropic organizations, are unified in opposition to the final tax legislation.

This is the most consequential tax legislation for the charitable community since the charitable deduction was introduced 100 years ago, and likely the most damaging to the future of charitable giving. The changes proposed in the tax code would fundamentally weaken the ability of charitable organizations to raise money, provide services, and benefit our communities.

The final tax bill will decrease charitable giving by up to $20 billion per year by effectively limiting the charitable deduction to fewer than 10 percent of taxpayers. It increases the tax burden on charitable organizations, as well as the most vulnerable people in our country, in order to give tax cuts to corporations and the wealthiest among us. These and other provisions in the bill undermine the work of the nonprofit sector while increasing the need for the good work that we do.

We strongly urge Members of Congress to vote “no” on this tax bill. The nonprofit community plays a critical role in providing health, safety, food, housing, cultural and spiritual guidance, and other vital services to all of our communities, but we cannot do this work alone and seek a healthier partnership with government leaders.

It is not too late to take the time and thoughtfulness to provide the American people the tax relief they need without compromising the very role of civil society in the United States. Congress needs to scrap this bill and start over.

Daniel J. Cardinali
President and CEO
Independent Sector

Tim Delaney
President and CEO
National Council of Nonprofits

Vikki Spruill
President and CEO
Council on Foundations
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