NHTRC receives 26% increase in calls directly from survivors across country
WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 2, 2015) – Polaris, a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery and restore freedom to survivors, released 2014 data from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) hotline and Polaris’s BeFree (233733) texting helpline today. In 2014, 22 cases of human trafficking in Utah were reported to the NHTRC, which includes 15 cases of sex trafficking and 6 cases of labor trafficking. Since 2007, the NHTRC has received reports of 65 cases of human trafficking in Utah.
Detailed case and call data from the NHTRC for all 50 states and D.C. is available at: www.traffickingresourcecenter.org/states.
Across the entire United States in 2014, 5,167 cases of human trafficking were reported to the NHTRC and Polaris’s BeFree texting helpline. The NHTRC, which is operated by Polaris and funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other private donors, received a 26 percent increase in calls directly from survivors of modern slavery in 2014, from the prior year. In total, 19,724 cases of human trafficking have been reported through the NHTRC and Polaris’s BeFree texting helpline since 2007.
“Human trafficking hotlines are a lifeline for survivors so they can stay safe and get connected with help and services. Behind the data are the stories of thousands of women, men, and children in each and every state who were exploited against their will. This information also helps us learn crucial trends we can use to shut down traffickers and their networks,” said Bradley Myles, CEO of Polaris. “The NHTRC’s 26 percent increase in calls directly from survivors is a testament to the incredible work of thousands of service providers and advocates across the country. Awareness efforts are critical to ensure victims of this crime know they are only one call or one text away from receiving help, no matter where they are in the United States.”
Click here to download a summary of the NHTRC and BeFree 2014 data.
Key 2014 data at the national level includes:
National Human Trafficking Resource Center
- 5,042 cases of human trafficking reported in the U.S. Of those cases:
- 3,598 (71%) were sex trafficking
- 818 (16%) were labor trafficking
- 172 (4%) were sex and labor trafficking
- 454 (9%) were cases where the trafficking type was not specified
- A total of 24,062 substantive signals were received from the U.S., including 21,431 calls; 1,482 webforms; and 1,149 emails.
Polaris’s BeFree Texting Helpline
- 125 cases of human trafficking reported in the U.S. Of those cases:
- 99 (79%) were sex trafficking
- 10 (8%) were labor trafficking
- 10 (8%) were labor trafficking
- 2 (2%) were sex and labor trafficking
- 14 (11%) were cases where the trafficking type was not specified
- A total of 1,279 texting conversations were received in the U.S.
Between December 7, 2007, and December 31, 2014, the NHTRC and BeFree helpline have received reports of 19,724 cases of human trafficking in the U.S. Based on those cases, the top three sex trafficking venues in the U.S. are commercial front brothels, Internet ad-based trafficking, and sex trafficking occurring at hotels and motels. The top three labor trafficking industries in the U.S. through the NHTRC and BeFree texting hotline are domestic work, traveling sales crews, and the restaurant and food service industry.
Polaris emphasizes the data are not intended to represent the full scope of human trafficking, but from incoming communications received through the NHTRC and Polaris’s BeFree texting helpline. Polaris also notes that the greater percentage of sex trafficking cases reported is largely due to greater awareness of the issue, and much less awareness about labor trafficking in the U.S. The International Labor Organization estimates that there are 20.9 million victims of modern slavery worldwide, with 14.2 million (68%) of those victims of labor exploitation.
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) is a 24-hour national, confidential, multi-modal hotline and resource center serving the United States and U.S. territories. Its mission is to provide human trafficking survivors with access to critical support and services to get help and stay safe, and to equip the anti-trafficking field with the tools to effectively combat all forms of human trafficking. Experienced hotline specialists provide around-the-clock crisis support and connect human trafficking victims to safety, shelter, and other life-saving resources. The hotline also receives tips of suspected human trafficking cases and provides information, training, and technical assistance to diverse audiences. Polaris launched its BeFree Texting helpline in 2013 to offer the same services, but via text. BeFree is operated by Polaris and funded by private donors.