IPIHD Hosts 3rd Annual Global Forum Bringing Together Healthcare Leaders to Discuss Promising Innovations in Health Delivery

Whether delivering babies at ¼ the cost of the United States, creating a “one-stop-shop” for diabetes care, performing heart surgery for $2,000 (compared to $20 100K in the US) or building mobile platforms to help diagnose patients remotely, solutions to some of our most pressing health problems are already at hand: just not here in the US.

The innovations being delivered by the above organizations – LifeSpring Hospitals, Clinicas del Azucar, Narayana Health, and ClickMedix – represent only a handful of promising solutions developed to improve access, affordability, and quality of healthcare for patients around the world, including the US.

What happens when the founders and leaders of these disruptive and award-winning organizations convene all in one location to share their innovative models and stategize new ways forward, together with senior corporate and foundation leaders from companies including Baxter, Novartis, Medtronic, McKinsey, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Health Foundation?

It’s called the IPIHD Forum, held on April 6th just outside of Washington, DC.

IPIHD is an impact-driven non-profit launched in 2011 by the World Economic Forum, McKinsey & Company, and Duke Medicine to improve affordable access to high quality care globally. IPIHD identifies proven and potentially transformative health-focused innovators and connects them to senior healthcare leaders, investors/funders, and other partners and resources to help scale and replicate the impact of their work. IPIHD also leverages knowledge from this work to help transform health systems globally, and translate the lessons learned across borders.

Fittingly, the IPIHD Forum kicks off US National Public Health Week. As our world becomes increasingly connected, the notion of ideas and innovations crossing boundaries is exciting. It now seems possible that a bright idea catching hold in Vietnam could be applied with similar results in Brazil.

What makes an innovation ripe for adaptation to a new context? Are there common traits among innovations that succeed in multiple geographies?

At IPIHD, these questions are at the heart of what we do.

IPIHD encourages the media to attend this event – and is facilitating 1:1 meetings with select members of the press. To inquire, please contact Eleni Vlachos at 919.681.5411 or eleni.vlachos@duke.edu.

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